by Jeremy Stalnecker | Feb 12, 2021 | Perspective
It seems that our culture (meaning American culture) is obsessed with Heroes. From books and movies to the never-ending stream of hero themed shows and amusement park rides, we love those with superhuman powers used, mostly, for good. The fight against evil needs...
by Jeremy Stalnecker | Feb 4, 2021 | Christian Living
There is a phrase that, although often used, I’m afraid is greatly misunderstood. It is one of those phrases that sounds good, spiritual even, but when not properly defined becomes nothing more than empty words. What is the phrase? “The Journey of...
by Jeremy Stalnecker | Feb 1, 2021 | Christian Living
We are living at a time in history when the idea of “Faith” is being questioned in just about every corner of society. Not that long ago the idea of “faith”, or “being a person of faith”, or “walking a journey of faith”,...
by Jeremy Stalnecker | Jan 19, 2021 | Christian Living, Family, Perspective
Clearly, the world has always been a place of chaos, confusion and uncertainty. A quick read of Genesis chapter 3 helps us to understand that it didn’t take man long to plunge the newly created and sinless world into the darkness that comes from rejecting the...
by Jeremy Stalnecker | Oct 1, 2020 | Favorites, Perspective, Resources
Several events this week reminded me of something that I have always known to be true. It’s funny how we can learn something and then forget we know it until, for some reason, it once again comes to our attention. What was that “thing” for me this...