If The Foundations Be Destroyed

If The Foundations Be Destroyed

As David the Psalmist considered all that was happening in his world, he made the following statement framed as a question: If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?-Psalm 11:3 At a difficult time, when the world around him seemed to be falling...
Grace and Mercy

Grace and Mercy

How often have you allowed something in your past to keep you from moving forward? You live as though you do not deserve a relationship with God or His blessing on your life because of decisions that you have made, people you have hurt, or just the simple belief that...
The Failure of Fear

The Failure of Fear

If there is one thing on which we can all agree, it’s that the world can be a scary place. Whether we are talking about war and global economic strife or the everyday challenges of work and home, fear is a normal emotion that each of us must deal with. But how?...
Run The Mile You Are In

Run The Mile You Are In

Why do so many people start out doing so well and then, seemingly for no reason, give up? Maybe I should ask the question this way: have you ever had a time in  your life where you started doing something that you felt was important but then, seemingly for no reason,...