The Failure Myth
There is a myth around the word failure that goes something like this: Because I have failed-I am a failure!

What if you lost everything?
While everything else in life will come and go, Jesus, our Savior, is eternal. He is bigger than any loss and “will never leave us or forsake us” regardless of what happens in THE world or in OUR world.

Describe the Color Yellow
Describing how we feel and what we think to another person can be as difficult as describing a color-if you are not viewing it with the same eye (those collective experiences) it will never be exactly the same.

Leaders Focus on the Right Thing-Video

The Motivation of Fear
What motivates you? Is it fear or is it love?

The Importance of a Biblical Worldview-Video

Dealing With Difficult People
How do we deal with the difficult people in our lives?

What is the Starting Point of Leadership?-Video

What is Leadership and Why Does it Matter-Video
https://youtu.be/FoxqhKeGoLk Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Navigating Difficult times in marriage-Video