Are You a Professional Tourist?

Are You a Professional Tourist?

The professional tourist is, at his core, discontent with the things that he has and somehow believes that the next place, or relationship or job will bring contentment. Unfortunately, when you are always looking for the “next thing”, you are probably going to find it. And in your pursuit you will lack the depth of life that provides real fulfillment.

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A Father Who Prepares the Way

A Father Who Prepares the Way

When I was a junior in high school I, along with a handful of friends, hiked the trail of the 14,492 ft. Mt. Whitney. Standing as the highest mountain in the continental United States, Mt. Whitney is a challenging and breathtaking (both...

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What Are You Leaving Behind?

What Are You Leaving Behind?

This is a question that I believe should be on our minds every day. When we live with this question constantly on our minds, our daily decisions become much easier. When I realize that someday I will be gone but that I get to decide what...

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Speak truth, give hope

Speak truth, give hope

We live in a world of rhetoric, angry mobs and the apparent prevailing belief that anyone who disagrees is the enemy. While discussion and rational "argument" aimed at understanding the truth was once valued, the only voice that seems to...

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