Real Success is Found in the Space Between
Real success is found, in many ways, in how we handle the transitions of life. We like to picture success as a mountain top or an awards ceremony or the applause and admiration of the most important people in our lives and while each of...

Anger and the Poisoning of the Soul
Our culture applauds our anger while we slowly kill ourselves for their praise. I can choose to get angry or choose to grow, but I cannot do both.

Are You a Professional Tourist?
The professional tourist is, at his core, discontent with the things that he has and somehow believes that the next place, or relationship or job will bring contentment. Unfortunately, when you are always looking for the “next thing”, you are probably going to find it. And in your pursuit you will lack the depth of life that provides real fulfillment.

Independence Day: A celebration of the past and the future
I’m not someone who typically watches the debates leading up to the Democratic primary. In fact, I generally have a hard time focusing on any of the debates until the Presidential contest is down to the final two candidates. I will admit...

As Bound With Them-Supporting veterans around the world
Why We Go Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. (Hebrews 13:3) It is amazing to me, when I stop long enough to think about it, that we can live in a...

A Father Who Prepares the Way
When I was a junior in high school I, along with a handful of friends, hiked the trail of the 14,492 ft. Mt. Whitney. Standing as the highest mountain in the continental United States, Mt. Whitney is a challenging and breathtaking (both...

Grace should be given not just received
A few weeks ago I was running late for a meeting. Even though it was an important meeting I wasn't worried about my tardiness because I knew why it had happened. It was my intention to get there on time and I even left the house with more...

What Are You Leaving Behind?
This is a question that I believe should be on our minds every day. When we live with this question constantly on our minds, our daily decisions become much easier. When I realize that someday I will be gone but that I get to decide what...

Speak truth, give hope
We live in a world of rhetoric, angry mobs and the apparent prevailing belief that anyone who disagrees is the enemy. While discussion and rational "argument" aimed at understanding the truth was once valued, the only voice that seems to...

Why I Speak and Write (and why you should too!)
This morning I had the opportunity once again so speak at a conference for military families who are dealing with the ups and downs of oversees deployment. Attendees to this conference were those deploying or just returned and the...