Why do we remember?

Why do we remember?

Why do we remember?  What value comes to those who will stop long enough this weekend to remember the ultimate price that freedom requires? In a nation that, in many ways, is struggling to determine its national identity, how do we...

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I am not alone

I am not alone

A few weeks ago our family attended a birthday party for one of the children in our church.  It was a great party complete with a jumper, good food and plenty of Coca-Cola. Any time we have the opportunity to attend an event like this I...

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I am amazingly blessed. I have a wife that loves me, great kids, and the opportunity to spend my life involved in local church ministry.  Even though there have been, and will continue to be, some difficult days, I am thankful that God...

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When no one cares

When no one cares

Have you ever felt like you are doing all that you can to make a difference in the world and yet no one cares? You do not believe that you will change the whole world but you do want to positively impact your corner of it.  You...

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I want you to know…

I want you to know…

I am not always a wonderful father.  Truth be told, I am seldom a wonderful father.  I get angry too fast, am impatient too often and allow the pressures of life to keep me from leading as I should. It is very easy, in the midst of the...

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