You weren’t an accident
"You weren't an accident. You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman." - Max Lucado It is easy to go...

Fifty ways to say “I Love You”
In consideration of Valentines day here is a list of fifty things that you can give to your spouse that will mean more and cost less than flowers or chocolate (though I recommend those as well). This list was compiled from a few different...

Stop just don’t park
Earlier this week I took a short plane ride down the coast to Southern California. What would have been seven hours of me talking to myself in a car took less than an hour by plane. While I don't have a particular fondness for air...

What’s your real reason?
What are you living for? Why do you do the things that you do and refrain from doing so many of the things that you could? What is at the top of your list of priorities and why is it there? The answers to these questions are important...

Bible verses you should know
A life of faith is a life based on the Scriptures. This is why we are told that "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17) Much of the time we struggle in this area of faith because we simply do not know...

The great opportunity
“The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.” - John Burroughs One thing that I have discovered about leaders of every kind is that they are constantly looking for a great opportunity....

What’s really going on?
With the busy pace of life we often forget that we are not the only person on the planet. Now, we would never say that we feel like the only person alive, or the only person that really matters, but often we live like it. We spend so...

How do you define success?
"Success is the continuing achievement of becoming the person God wants you to be and accomplishing the goals God has helped you set." -Charles Stanley What image comes to mind when you think about success? Perhaps it is the image of...

Stop Drifting
The Stalnecker family recently got a new puppy named Zeke. This puppy is nine months old and already weighs about seventy pounds, but he is a puppy nonetheless. Since he has a tendency to knock both things and small children over because...

You won’t make it!
The picture below is of a sign on the Kalalau trail on Kauai, Hawaii. This is a beautiful trail that provides an unbelievable view of the Napoli Coast. I took this picture last year while my wife and I were hiking to the beach at the end...