The Blessing of Faith

The Blessing of Faith

We have made the statement that, "Only that which is done by faith can please God."  What then is the reward or blessing of a faith that pleases God? I. Faith is the Victory-Faith is the reward. 1John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God...

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Without Faith

Without Faith

Why is faith important?  We look for our answer in Hebrews 11:6 and conclude that faith is important because, "Only that which is done by faith can please God." But Why? I. Without faith it is impossible to please Him “Only that which is...

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Mastering the Mundane

Mastering the Mundane

Even though we like to live our lives for the big unforgettable moments most of our life consists of the seemingly less important, routine things that we deal with every day.  Of all the things that fill our calendars, most will be...

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Family Matters

Family Matters

How are you using your influence in the lives of the children that God has placed in your life?  When we decide that we are going to influence another generation to live for God, we are making an impact on a world that we may not even be...

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Where is Your Heart?

Where is Your Heart?

I am thankful that if we will honestly and diligently seek Lord and His purposes, that He will place within us the vision and direction for our lives that He has uniquely equipped each one of us to accomplish.  There are things that we...

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One Thing

One Thing

While there are things that EVERY Christian is called to do, as members of the body of Christ we have EACH been equipped in different ways to fulfill necessary functions within the Body.  It is necessary if we are ever going to live the...

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I Am

I Am

"Why is the deity of Christ important and why do we celebrate His birth?" "The Reason that we Celebrate" While there are many who suggest that we should not celebrate the birth of Christ, there are some very good reasons for us to...

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