How to Prepare for the Holidays-Preparation Moves us Forward
What is the difference between a great Christmas and New Years? Proper preparation in the right areas.

In Every Thing Give Thanks
It is our position before God, not our ever-changing environment, that should cause us to live a life of confident thanksgiving. This simple shift in perspective will change the way that you view every circumstance, relationship, difficulty, or blessing and will keep you focused on the work that God wants to do in you and through you.

20 Verses When you Feel Alone
We all know what its like to feel alone. FEEL is the key word here because loneliness is more of a feeling than a reality most of the time. But, that feeling is REAL! So what where do we go when we feel alone?

In Happens in the Dark-A Biblical Look at Depression, Despair and Deliverance
What do we do when we are experiencing Darkness in our lives? On March 19, 2003 I had the privilege of moving from Kuwait into Iraq in what would become known as “Operation Iraqi Freedom” or OIF 1. This was a moment that we had been...

Lessons for our Kids in Troubled Times
While the process of teaching our kids is an ongoing process, there are 7 areas right now that I am encouraging mine to focus. By the way, this is not just for kids. This is a good list for anyone trying to cut through the noise and confusion while living out their God-given purpose.

Be the Person You Want Others To Believe You Are
The answers to these questions are important because they add context and direction to our lives. Understanding why we do the things that we do can help us to stop drifting and, instead, make clear decisions regarding how we will invest the moments that we have on this earth.

Faith in the Storm
I am so thankful that when my faith as a frail human fails and I think that God has somehow let me down I can turn my eyes back to Him and expect for Him to work in my life even though the storm continues on. I am thankful that when the circumstances of my life don’t come together the way that I would like for them to or thought they would that God still waits for me to wait on Him. I am thankful that even though I fail, He does not. And the best part? In my frailty and failing He still receives the glory.

Building Up or Tearing Down
There is a great lesson in this passage for every true follower of Christ. If we are to live lives of meaning and purpose in a way that will make an eternal difference to the world around us, we must stop living for ourselves. We can be the light that is so desperately needed and the one who is used by God to restore the broken if only we will respond to the needs around us instead of living solely for our own.

Dealing With Difficult People
We all know what it is like to deal with difficult people. Whether at home, at work, or in our day to day lives, dealing with those who are difficult is something that we can't avoid. Thankfully the Bible has a great deal to say about how...

The Power of Momentum (and what to do if you don’t have it)
We all want to experience momentum in our lives but somehow think that momentum=speed or is reserved for the fastest and most capable among us. Momentum, whether on a trail in California, or in business, or in relationships, is not about speed. Which is great and means that any of us can, if we are willing to put in the work, begin to develop momentum in our lives.