How Do We Endure?

How Do We Endure?

How do we endure? I am having a really hard time writing this post. I'm  not struggling because the content is too deep or I don't exactly know what to say or because I am somehow conflicted on the topic. I'm struggling because I just...

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What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

“What do I do now?” Have you ever asked yourself that question? Whether you are experiencing a life transition, find yourself in a place you never thought possible, or are simply trying to figure out where you go from here, it can be...

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What is Character?

What is Character?

Character is doing right even when no one else is looking but it is allowing God to determine what is “Right” (and realizing that He is always watching)! Practically this means that, if we are acting from a place of character, we will be the Husband or Wife, Parent, Employee or Citizen that God wants us to be even if those who should support us and respond well do not. A person of character is completely committed to living their life according to God and His Word.

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Accountability Matters

Accountability Matters

One of the most powerful things that we can do if we truly want to be successful is also one of the last things that most of us want to do! What can we do? Add ACCOUNTABILITY to our lives. We stay away from accountability because we don't...

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The Cost of Moving Forward

The Cost of Moving Forward

Choosing to move forward is choosing to PREPARE to move forward. What makes preparation so hard though is that it COMES WITH A COST (I use capital letters when I would prefer to be yelling). I would argue, however, that the cost of not preparing is much higher than the cost of being ready and equipped when life’s inevitable difficulties come your way. Preparing is hard but makes success in life much more achievable than simply hoping that nothing bad ever happens. You will either pay the price now by preparing or pay the price later by struggling to survive.

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Living a Culturally Resilient Life

Living a Culturally Resilient Life

There is no question that our culture is changing at a pace none of us could have imagined. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. But even though it is changing, culture does not need to overwhelm and defeat us-we simply need to focus on becoming Culturally Resilient. We will get knocked down. The important thing is that we get back up quickly, focus on “true north” and start moving forward!

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The Product of Pain

The Product of Pain

I cannot know what you may be dealing with in your life. None of this is to say that pain is not really painful or that we can motivate our way past the hurts and trials of life. Pain is called that for a reason. We must realize, however, that only when we confront the pain and allow God to use it as a refining fire in our lives can we ever really move forward! Its not fair. It shouldn’t have happened. I can’t explain it. BUT, the pain that we encounter in this life WILL be used to grow us into the person that God has created us to be. 

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Having the “March or Die” Mindset

Having the “March or Die” Mindset

What we do always begins with what we think. That’s the reason we find this statement in Proverbs 23: 7: “For as he thinking in his heart, so is he.” That is King James Bible talk for, “You are what you think.” Everything begins in the mind. And so it is when faced with something difficult. Whether or not we march forward begins in our mind and most often begins before we know there is a problem. We need to think right now so that we will act right later.

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Run Your Race

Run Your Race

God created you with talents and will provide to you opportunities that align to all He intends to accomplish with your life. Remove anything that will keep you moving forward, patiently run a race that will last a lifetime and know that as you do those who have gone before are cheering you on. You are in a race. Run well.

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Train Today for the Fight Tomorrow

Train Today for the Fight Tomorrow

Living life as though there will never be a spiritual, relational, or physical challenge is at best naïve and always dangerous! We need to use the times of peace and balance in our lives to get ready for the difficulty that is an unfortunate part of the fallen human condition. Failure-Experiencing consequences spiritually, mentally, or physically that are the result of an unprepared life. 

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