After the Storm
Don’t get so caught up surviving the storm that you fail to consider how you will be remembered when it’s over!

The Difference Between Sympathy and Acceptance-Video
https://youtu.be/WB1koMyoRwM Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

10 Steps for Dealing with Fear and Panic
How do you deal with Fear and Panic? If you are not quite sure, now is a good time to figure it out.

Be Not Conformed-Video

What is Failure?-Video

The Road To Success-Video

You Can’t Forgive Yourself!-Video

Making an Impact When My Platform Is Small-Video

How Do You See Yourself?-Video

What is Freedom?
How do you define Freedom? I think most of us would define freedom or "being free" as having the ability to do what we want to do. I am only free, we might say if there are no limitations on my rights and if I can, without hurting others...