Jeremy Stalnecker

An accomplished author, inspirational speaker and a frequent guest on some of the most prominent news networks.


Host Jeremy Stalnecker seeks to help listeners answer one of the toughest questions we all face, “How do I move forward when my world is falling apart?”

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The Focus of Christmas: Serving Others

The Focus of Christmas: Serving Others

During a time of year where the pull toward self-centered thoughts and actions is almost overwhelming, don’t forget WHO we celebrate and why He came. He came to serve. We honor Him when we live our lives with the same focus as His.

What is the focus of Christmas? Serving others.

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In Every Thing Give Thanks

In Every Thing Give Thanks

It is our position before God, not our ever-changing environment, that should cause us to live a life of confident thanksgiving. This simple shift in perspective will change the way that you view every circumstance, relationship, difficulty, or blessing and will keep you focused on the work that God wants to do in you and through you.

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